Senior Living Community Partner
We can help residents live healthier and longer lives inside their community.
Senior living facilities need a serious partner who can provide proven results for their communities. Homeside can help add value to your community as well as increase the quality of life of its residents by providing proven therapy practices that help reduce hospitalization and promote healthy living.
Homeside's proven care continuum

Homeside's Housecalls can help increase the length of stay patients reside in your community. We do this by providing in-home care that treats conditions known to cause early mortality in patients who might otherwise not be aware that they are in need of treatment. In a study conducted by the JAMA medical journal, it was reported that about 90% of patients who had a chronic condition felt that they were medically well. As patients age past 80 it is completely possible to be medically well but functionally sick.
Therapy can help residents lead a more active lifestyle, increasing the quality and length of their lives.Dr. Yisroel Brody Director
Physical Therapy
Increased mobility can help residents live longer and more vibrant lives while staying safe in their communities. Homeside's Physical and Occupational therapist develop personalized therapeutic care plans that can help residents slow detrimental effects caused by decreased gait speed.
Speech Language Pathology
Pneumonia is one of the top 5 leading causes of death at the age of 65, and quickly jumps to the top 3 causes of death by age 85. Aspiration pneumonia occurs when food, saliva, liquids, or vomit is breathed into the lungs or airways leading to the lungs, instead of being swallowed into the esophagus and stomach; with Speech-Language Pathology interventions, aspiration can be prevented. Homeside's Speech-Language Therapist can help residents recover from swallowing, communication, and cognitive impairments.
Occupational Therapy
Grip strength is an essential part of a residents ability to move around freely and safely. In a study conducted by the US Library of medicine, it was determined that grip strength can be used as a measurement tool to predict mortality rates of all causes in geriatric adults above the age of 85. Grip strength can degrade over time eventually increasing the risk of early or unpredicted mortality.
Homeside's physical and occupational therapist can help residents maintain grip and muscle strength through our uniquely developed care plans and proven therapy practices. Thus reducing the risk of early mortality in your communities elderly population.
Lets Talk!
More reasons to partner with Homeside
- We provide therapy in the residents home.
- Reduced Hospitalizations.
- Residents do not need to be homebound.
- Reduced Skill Nursing stays.
- Sessions based on clinical needs.
- Home safety evaluations.
- Reduced Hospital Readmissions.
- Our services are billed through Medicare part B and come at no cost to you.